EnergyMeasures will produce a wealth of materials that will enable concrete hands-on work with local communities on the topic of energy poverty. The materials will be made available for download here.
Newsletter Issue 05
The fifth newsletter talks about the conclusion of the EnergyMeasures Project
Newsletter issue 04
The fourth issue of the project newsletter provides insights into site visits in Bielsko Biala and Outer Hebrides and introduces important energy poverty related terminology.
Newsletter Issue 02
The second issue of the project newsletter provides updates on the general assembly and country reports for Belgium, Ireland and Poland.
Newsletter Issue 03
The third issue of the project newsletter provides updates on exciting future plans in the making and country reports for Bulgaria, Netherlands and North Macedonia.
Newsletter Issue 01
The first issue of the project newsletter provides insights into the project results of the individual work packages and introduces the project consortium with a first partner profile.
D1.1 Review-of-Methods-of-Identifying-Energy-Poor-Households
This report explores the range of methods forwarded for the identification of energy poor households across Europe.
D1.3 Citizen Views on Policy Needs for Energy Poverty Alleviation
This report presents an analysis of the interviews conducted with citizens and stakeholder organisations in the seven focal countries, in order to identify expressed citizen experiences with institutional support and their experienced needs for support.
D2.1 Report on internal capacity building for staff engaging with energy poor
This deliverable draws from the work in T1.2 to outline and carry out an approach to internal capacity building for staff engaging with the energy poor within the EnergyMeasures project.
D2.3 Periodic update #1 on engagement of energy poor for behaviour change
The deliverable comprises a brief overview of the main activities for identification, recruitment and engagement of energy poor households in each country, a review of the status of engagements, and provides a detailed breakdown of the timeline and updated targets for the coming 24 months.
D6.1 Gender Inclusivity Guidelines
This document establishes guidelines for gender-fair communication and gender inclusivity in communication and dissemination activities of the EnergyMeasures H2020 project.
D6.6 Main communications and dissemination materials
This deliverable provides an overview of the Communication (T6.1) and Dissemination (T6.2) activities of the EnergyMeasures project that have been completed over the past 18 months.
Executive Summaries
Dublin Workshop 2021 Video
In December 2021 the EnergyMeasures consortium met in Dblin for a workshop.
Household Engagement Video
Video to adress households and advertise their participation in the project.
Posters, Flyers and Rollups
Poster Call2Action EnergyMeasures
The poster can be used by the project partners for promotional purposes to attract potential households to participate in the project.
Poster General Visibility EnergyMeasures
The poster provides visibility and can be used by project partners in different settings.
Flyer Call2Action EnergyMeasures
The leaflet serves as promotional material for the recruitment of households by the project partners and is intended for handover.
Roll-up EnergyMeasures
The roll-up provides high visibility and can be used by the project partners in different situations to promote the project.