As part of the ongoing project, we are proposing some steps that can help the energy consumption advisors understand people’s energy usage better and help them inform consumers about their options when choosing a certain energy consumption strategy. We tackle information on behavioural change and its importance on the subject on energy poverty, as well as a step-by-step guideline on how to help integrate behaviour change approaches while engaging energy poor within the EnergyMeasures project. While the guideline was developed by Dunphy et al. (2020), we also took the liberty of adding some examples of how these approaches fared locally in in partnering countries, as well as some tips on behavioural change evaluation

How to identify energy vulnerable households
While energy poverty can have multiple causes, we firstly need to define it and its possible manifestations. This article is looking at a general explanation of what energy poverty is and what subsequent problems that leads to.

Even though many people might think that they are behaving in an energy-saving, efficient way the truth might be otherwise. This article explains how behavioural change is a crucial part of improving energy consumption habits.

Guidelines for implementing change in energy poor households
After identifying habits leading to energy poverty and understanding how to change these, this article looks at 5 guidelines that energy advisors need to keep in mind when engaging with people living in energy poor households.

How EnergyMeasures implements behaviour change
While the previous article shows the theoretical approach that energy advisors could follow when engaging energy poor households, this article shows how our international partners introduced these in their own communities.