Country Update: Belgium

In Belgium, more than one household in five is affected by energy poverty (20.7% of Belgian households in 2019). This value has not varied significantly since 2009. However, there are strong differences between the regions.


Sometimes, Energy Poverty is a Hidden Problem

The EnergyMeasures project uses a behavior change approach to mitigate energy vulnerability in seven European countries. At the halfway point of the project, the question arises: Is the chosen strategy working?


EnergyMeasures explained

At the EnergyMeasures meeting in Dublin in December 2021, the main question was: when would the Covid pandemic protection measures in place at the time allow us to start household engagement in all participating countries? In interviews at the time, EnergyMeasures partners described the project from their individual perspectives. What is energy poverty? Why is…


EnergyMeasures in Eindhoven 

One of the EnergyMeasures partners is the Het PON & Telos Foundation from Tilburg in the Netherlands. The foundation works with a team of around 30 multidisciplinary researchers on social issues for local and regional governments in the Netherlands.


Video on Energy Vulnerability (in Dutch)

Our project partner Het PON & Telos have published a video on Energiearmoede in the Dutch Region of Brabant. It can be watched on Vimeo.


How the City of Eindhoven helps energy-vulnerable households in the energy transition

Jantine Claus, project leader at the municipality of Eindhoven, featuring the EARN-E aid device for low-energy households. (Image: private)

Jantine Claus from the City of Eindhoven gives insights into the municipality’s work on energy transition. The EnergyMeasures project is one component of Eindhoven’s strategies to lower energy consumption. EARN-E, a low-budget device will be used to support energy-vulnerable households.
