Considering the development of recent geopolitical situation the issue of energy poverty is increasingly pressing. There are many governmental and small initiative efforts to combat this problem, yet one element, which affects the effectiveness of those efforts, persists. Namely, what is energy poverty and can we establish a universal definition?
Tag: Energy Poverty
How the Primary Energy Factor is linked to Energy Poverty
One concept that helps to understand the impact of energy saving measures is the Primary Energy Factor. It is closely linked with the topic of energy vulnerability for various reasons.
Tackling Energy Poverty through Local Community Engagement – Inspiring Practices from the EnergyMeasures Project
The team of the Dublin based EnergyMeasurespartner ,Energy Action’ share insights to peer organisations fighting energy vulnerability all over Ireland.
Sometimes, Energy Poverty is a Hidden Problem
The EnergyMeasures project uses a behavior change approach to mitigate energy vulnerability in seven European countries. At the halfway point of the project, the question arises: Is the chosen strategy working?